BNREO Water Purification Systems Technologies
Membrane Technology
In reverse osmosis system; Water passes through the pores on the membranes with high pressure. During this process, most of the substances in the water cannot pass through these pores and are drained as concentrated water.
UV Technology
Sürdürülebilir bir çevre ve insanların sağlıklı bir şekilde yaşaması bizim için ilk sıradadır. Bnreo Ultraviyole Su arıtma sistemleri sizlere çevreye duyarlı yüksek tasarruflu su dezenfeksiyon imkanı sağlar.
Filtration Technologies
Suspended solids in your water (such as sediment, rust, sand and other particles) reduce the quality of your water as well as the efficiency of your devices. Filtration systems are one of the most effective and economical methods for removing suspended solids by providing purification of your water with the desired micron precision.
Ion Exchange Technology
Water softening devices are used to separate Calcium (Ca+) and Magnesium (Mg+) ions from water, which cause hardness. Water softening is a process based on the ion exchange principle that enters the chemical treatment part.
Ozone Technology
Ozone gas was first used for disinfection purposes in the water treatment industry. With the results of advancing research, ozone has begun to be used for many purposes in the water treatment industry due to its high oxidation capacity.